Coins ph 2fa

coins ph 2fa

Your 2FA secured account tokens can be deleted from Authy at any time. Once marked for deletion, a token will be completely removed from. If your answer is “yes” to any of those questions, you'll need to contact us in order to disable the 2 factor authentication (commonly know as "2fa". 20 votes, 15 comments. There's been phishing attempts for going around where you receive a text message from COINS claiming that you need .

Coins ph 2fa - are mistaken


{"metadata":{"image":[],"title":"","description":""},"api":{"url":"/v3/transfers/","auth":"required","apiSetting":"5d1d8bb82d46d1004a02581d","examples":{"codes":[{"language":"curl","code":"curl -X POST \\\n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \\\n -H 'Accept: application/json' \\\n -d '{\"target_address\": \"1a2b3c\", \"amount\": 0.0001, \"account\": \"234abc\"}' \\\n\n"},{"language":"python","code":"import json\nimport requests\n\nTOKEN = 'YOUR TOKEN'\nurl = ''\n\nheaders = {\n 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(TOKEN),\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',\n 'Accept': 'application/json'\n}\n\nbody = json.dumps({\n \"account\": \"234abc\",\n \"target_address\": \"1a2b3c\",\n \"amount\": 0.0001\n})\n\n\, headers=headers, data=body)"}]},"results":{"codes":[{"status":201,"language":"json","code":"{\n 'transfer': {\n 'status': 'pending',\n 'account': '234abc',\n 'exchange': null,\n 'created_at': '2015-05-28T02:58:12.984219Z',\n 'payment': 'x45b1',\n 'target_address': '1a2b3c',\n 'amount': '0.00010000',\n 'id': '1ba2b'\n }\n}","name":""}]},"params":[{"name":"account","type":"string","default":"","desc":"The [account](doc:crypto-accounts) id of the sender.","required":true,"in":"body","ref":"","_id":"5d1d9a69184c8e025e303aaf"},{"name":"target_address","type":"string","default":"","desc":"The phone number, email address, or wallet address of the recipient.","required":true,"in":"body","ref":"","_id":"5d1d9a69184c8e025e303aae"},{"name":"amount","type":"string","default":"","desc":"The amount to transfer, denominated in the currency of the source account.","required":true,"in":"body","ref":"","_id":"5d1d9a69184c8e025e303aad"},{"name":"currency","type":"string","default":"","desc":"The currency of `amount`. By default, `currency` is denominated by the `account` currency. If the currency of `target_address` is known, this parameter can be filled up to send out funds in the currency of `target_address`. For example, you may send out funds from a BTC account to a target PHP address by setting this as `PBTC`.","required":false,"in":"body","ref":"","_id":"5d1d9a69184c8e025e303aac"},{"name":"verification_code","type":"string","default":"","desc":"A two factor code from the user. Only used when the sender has enabled two factor authentication.For more information, you may contact [](mailto:[email protected]).\"\n}\n[/block]\nThe transfers API allows sending funds between coins wallet accounts of different users. It allows sending funds with different currencies (ie. `PHP->BTC`, `BTC->PHP`, `PHP->PHP`, `BTC->BTC`) and takes care of the necessary conversion between currencies.\n\n## Properties\n\n* **id** - ID of the transfer record.\n* **account** - [Account](doc:crypto-accounts) ID of the user making the transfer.\n* **target_address** - The wallet address of the recipient.\n* **payment** - Specifies the outgoing payment ID of the transfer if the transfer was successful.\n* **exchange** - The exchange ID for non BTC->BTC transfers, such as BTC->PHP.\n* **status** - Specifies whether the transaction is `pending`, `success`, or `failed`.\n* **created_at** - Specifies the date when the transfer was created.\n\n## Errors\n\n### Fee amount errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **Whoops! We had to update the Blockchain Fee to 0.0001. Please confirm before continuing.** Fee amount is optional parameter, but when it's provided, we compare it with the current fee 0.0001.\n\n### Amount errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **Ensure this value is greater than or equal to X** The error depends on currency limits which are set in the system.\n* HTTP 400 - **Ensure this value is lower than or equal to X.** The error depends on currency limits which are set in the system.\n\n### Currency errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **Unsupported currency.** The error appears when you specified a currency that is different from currency of sender account or target address.\n\n### Target address errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **You cannot transfer to yourself.** This happens when the specified target address is owned by the sender.\n* HTTP 400 - **Target account not found.** This happens when the specified target address does not exist.\n* HTTP 400 - **Invalid address format.** API failed to recognise a type of target address.\n* HTTP 400 - **You cannot transfer between addresses of the same account.**\n* HTTP 400 - **Target account not found.** In case we find out that target address is \"internalcoin\" (for example PBTC) and it does not exist, we return the error.\n* HTTP 400 - **Currency mismatch.** It happens when user tries to send funds from account to target address and its currency is different from the account.\n* HTTP 400 - **Direct transfer is not allowed.** We limit ability to send money from/to non Bitcoin accounts except the system ones.\n\n### Non field errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **Sending funds from your account is temporarily disabled, please contact our customer support team.** This happens when the sender's account is currently disabled.\n- HTTP 400 - **Insufficient balance.** It happens when account does not have enough funds\n to create a payment. Historically it's part of non field errors.\n- HTTP 400 - **Phone or email verification is required.**\n- HTTP 400 - **This is a flagged Bitcoin address used in Phishing attacks, for the safety of your funds, we have locked down your account.Please contact our support team to reactivate.** We block users who try to send Bitcoins to a blacklisted list of addresses. Original motivation was that our customers got a virus which replaced a Bitcoin address and funds were \"stolen\". To prevent that ASAP, we have added user blocking on API level.\n- HTTP 400 - **Sending bitcoins is temporarily disabled.**\n- HTTP 400 - **To transfer with low priority, please send at least 0.001 BTC.**\n- HTTP 400 - **Please update your application in order to process this payment.**\n- HTTP 400 - **This payment would result in exceeding recipient's limit.**\n- HTTP 400 - **This account is no longer active.** Sending to inactive accounts is not allowed.\n\n### Activity limit errors\n\n* HTTP 400 - **The amount you are sending will exceed your recipient's daily limits. Please try sending a smaller amount or wait 24 hours to send the funds.**\n* HTTP 400 - **This recipient's daily limits have been met. Please wait 24 hours to send funds.**\n* HTTP 400 - **The amount you are sending will exceed your recipient's limits. Please try sending a smaller amount.**\n* HTTP 400 - **Unfortuately you cannot send to this recipient at this time because their limits have been met.**","updates":["5f51e3fe0d514c00428f8ad5"],"order":0,"isReference":true,"hidden":false,"sync_unique":"","link_url":"","link_external":false,"_id":"5d1d9a69184c8e025e303aa8","version":{"version":"2.1","version_clean":"2.1.724Z","__v":22,"createdAt":"2015-10-29T19:08:12.724Z"},"updatedAt":"2019-07-05T02:06:08.234Z","createdAt":"2019-07-04T06:19:21.118Z","project":"544fc17e698ab40800b4f891","category":{"sync":{"isSync":false,"url":""},"pages":[],"title":"Wallets","slug":"wallets-1","order":11,"from_sync":false,"reference":true,"_id":"5d1d99810b2e4600500eb5ff","project":"544fc17e698ab40800b4f891","version":"56326e9cdf556c0d00cd08ca","isAPI":false,"createdAt":"2019-07-04T06:15:29.680Z","__v":0},"user":"5d19a189b4596f0072f571d4","__v":7,"parentDoc":null}
Transfer funds between two accounts


{{ api_url }}{{ page_api_url }}


Body Params

The [account](doc:crypto-accounts) id of the sender.
The phone number, email address, or wallet address of the recipient.
The amount to transfer, denominated in the currency of the source account.
The currency of `amount`. By default, `currency` is denominated by the `account` currency. If the currency of `target_address` is known, this parameter can be filled up to send out funds in the currency of `target_address`. For example, you may send out funds from a BTC account to a target PHP address by setting this as `PBTC`.
A two factor code from the user. Only used when the sender has enabled two factor authentication.
Optional comment to for the transaction



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