How to get more amino coins

how to get more amino coins

Get free Amino: Communities and Groups 1 Month Amino+ Membership, read blogs, and share favorites - POST your own blogs, polls, and more - GET the latest Groups Bag of Coins, Free Amino: Communities and Groups Chest of Coins. has an awesome option to share props with other users, and you can now earn. Cryptocurrency coins with a creditcard, debit card or PayPal. Once more, the best way to get your hand on some AMIO is to first head over to Coinbase. the place.

How to earn coins in amino???

✧ :・゚➽ Welcome

to my post ! :hatching_chick: ◡̈ ଂ ﹀﹀﹀﹀

        ➜ ☍❐ How to earn coins in amino

Hello everyone, welcome

to this very informative blog

on how to earn coins. I’ve

shown a few times just how

many coins I have, and thro-

ugh my own experiences,it’s

very easy if you know how to do it.


Through Amino, there are many

different ways to earn coins.

This post will include most

methods. The {VIP} method

however will not be included in

this post. Let’s get to it shall we?




┆   1. Check In/Daily Draw

┆   2. Daily Reward

┆   3. Ads

┆   4. Posts

┆   5. Prop Commissions

┆   6. Raffles

┆   7. Shops..

┆   8. Offer Wall

┆   9. Buying Coins

┆   10. How Not to Earn Coin

☆ .′༄

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1. Check In/Daily Draw

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Every morning, you have the chance in your community to check in. It’s a personal streak counting each day you remember to log into an Amino. Once you check in, your streak as well as your reputation gain.

You will then be brought to a screen with a set of 3 cards. Behind each card is a reward, sometimes there’s no luck for the day, but most days you can receive anywhere from 1 to 10 coins, 1 coin being the most common. Very very rarely, you can even gain 100 coins as a draw reward.

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2. Daily Reward

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The daily reward is a daily offer allowing you to collect 4 extra coins every day for watching a quick video.

You will receive a pop up for it after receiving the coins for your daily draw or you can find it where you view your coins. Once you do this, you have to wait until the next day to get it once again, just like with a daily draw. On average, these two routines can earn you 5 coins daily. You can only do them once though, so don’t expect more if you try to do this in another amino after doing it in one.

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3. Ads

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Under where you view your coins, you can see an option to turn ads on for Amino. The ads don’t pop up with annoying videos every few seconds like most apps include, instead you see them just above the chat bar, in chat rooms and every scroll or two in blogs or in the feed.

Personally, they aren’t too annoying and it’s pretty quick to get used to them. But overall, the amount you receive is pretty great depending on how much time you spent around Amino. On average, I earn about 110 coins weekly, though I spend much more time than I probably should on Amino.

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4. Posts

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Amino users love to see great content, and if they really enjoy your work they’ll reward you for it. Amino has an awesome option to share props with other users, and you can now earn coins simply for making a post. If you get featured, that gives you even more of a chance seeing as more will see your work and potentially give you some appreciation in return.

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5. Prop Commissions

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Prop commissions are a great way to earn coins. Are you a writer, theorist, artist, or other? Put your talents out there for others who may enjoy your work. You may be surprised by how many would want to commission you! If you’re having troubles receiving commissioners, give a sale or discount Or maybe even rethink prices.

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6. Raffles

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A raffle could be a great way to sell your work and earn coin for it. Maybe you don’t like an art piece or your OC? Create a raffle selling them! To enter, each member has to submit 10 coins. In the end, you use a random number generator to choose the winner, you receive the coin, they receive the prize!

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7. Shops

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Many users come up with the idea of shops selling themes or other content. You could also sell fanfiction ideas, art ideas, or even quick sketches, drawings, or profile images. The ideas are limitless and this could earn you some quick coin.

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8. Offer Wall

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From what I have seen, many have been turned away from this method of coin earning. It’s understandable when TapJoy isn’t always giving the safest offers or isn’t the most dependable when it comes to receiving the coin you worked for. However, depending on the offers, you can still receive an eye-catching amount of coin.

Please note that in different

countries, some offers may be different.

To earn coins through the offer wall, I only be discussing the free and safe offers so do not fret about paying some of your own money or handing over your personal information to unsafe places. Some of these apps may require information to play, but these are the safe ones.

When you click on this option, you will first be brought to the all offer screen. This screen will hold offers from videos to app downloads to quick actions, quizzes and more.

If you scroll over, there is also the option for just videos. There aren’t always a lot of offers here, but when there are it’s quick and easy to earn just a few coin. The videos are usually 30 seconds and the offers are usually 1 maybe 2 coin. Sometimes more.

There is also an action category where you can find offers that involve quick actions and more effort to complete and earn your coin from. Due to this taking more effort, the coin payout is higher.

Personally, when I do offers I click the Go option above to earn more option brings you to your web browser, giving a wider option for offers when it comes to earning Amino coins.


Safe Offers:   Videos

Download and run this app

Complete and action

Videos are very safe when it comes to earning coin. Downloading and running an app is safe. When it comes to completing an action, be sure to click into the offer. As shown below it will state what you have to do to complete the offer and earn your coin, I only do app downloads. Other offers are not as dependable and some may be unsafe, so please be cautious when doing others.

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9. Buying Coins

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This shouldn’t be your first option. But if nothing else works for you, it could be your last and final option. If you were to follow this option, I suggest putting a limit to how much you plan to buy. For example paying the lowest buying option weekly or a middle one monthly.

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10. How Not to Earn Coin

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I will keep this last part short and simple.

➜ ☍❐Don’t ask for coins, it’s

rude and you should betrying

to earn them on your own.

➜ ☍❐Don’t scam users out

of coin. I don’t   know Team

Amino’s   Policy, but in the

Miraculous Amino you can

receive anywhere from a

strike to a ban depending

on how much was stolen

and if it was returned

or not. Don’t be a thief.

⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ࿐

I hope you find this blog helpful

in earning coins around Amino,

it can be a little difficult at first

but once you find a method that

works you’ll easily start earning.

Credit goes to Her


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